Winter Aconitum
Winter Aconitum
Winter Aconite

Winter Aconitum

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Winter aconites burst forth early in the year, bringing sunshine with small buttercup like flowers above ruffled green foliage collars. The perfect kickstart to a spring garden, they appear in February and lasts into the height of spring. Acting as a carpet to later spring bulbs, they can be left in the ground to return the following year, improving year on year.

Originating from damp and shady woodland in Eurasia, it is wonderful planted in swathes under trees or shrubs, bringing colour into the late winter garden. This variety blooms slightly later than Eranthis Hyemalis. A fantastic early food source for bees and other pollinators waking after winter.

  • Flowers: February
  • Hardy
  • Well drained soil
  • All aspects
  • Full sun or partial sunlight
  • May be left in the ground over the winter
  • Toxic to people and animals if eaten