Indoor Narcissus Avalanche Bulbs

Indoor Narcissus Avalanche Bulbs


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A delightful, old fashioned variety of narcissus, Avalanche bears narrow foliage and up to 15 small flowers per stem, each with creamy white petals and an acorn like yellow cup. Clump forming, they fill the home with colour and the distinctive sweet scent of spring. 


These bulbs are suitable for growing indoors in autumn, and will usually flower around January. Narcissus Avalanche is a recipient of RHS AGM (Award of Garden Merit), for all round excellence.  


Flowers: January

  • Well drained, light soil
  • South, West or East aspects
  • Full sun or partial sunlight
Details & Care
  • Planting Time and Depth: Autumn onwards (October), 10-15cm (4-6in) deep and 10cm (4in) apart
  • Bulbs are toxic to pets or humans if ingested and may cause skin allergy
  • Deadhead as flowers fade and allow leaves to dieback naturally as they store energy for the bulb

Strong, sweet