Taylors Bulbs Dahlia 'Burlesca' Tubers

Dahlia 'Burlesca' Tubers


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With its striking pompom flowers Dahlia Burlesca certainly puts on a show. Its flowers appear to be pink from a distance but on closer inspection the spherical petals bear hints of cream, apricot and coral in their folds. These flowers are small (5cm), and held on purple flushed stems, making this plant ideal for mid border or in a container. Long lasting in a vase, the flowers hold their shape and colour and make a wonderful addition to any arrangement. Images courtesy of Taylors Bulbs.


Often referred to as ‘Pompom Dahlias’, these tender perennials are very similar to Ball Dahlias, but are smaller, with perfect spherical blooms, comprising of petals that curve inwards. 

  • Half-Hardy
  • Flowering Period: June- October
  • Any fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil
  • Full Sun / Partial Shade
  • Sheltered
  • Plant outside after risk of frost has passed, 15cm deep, 60cm apart; or start off in pots under glass in late winter to early spring. For early flowering, tubers may be started off in individual pots under glass from March. Once the last of the frosts have passed in mid to late May your dahlias can be transferred into the garden.

Feed weekly, and water well in hot weather. The tall flower stems will require staking and tying in, but this is well worth the trouble for the magnificent display that they produce. To encourage flowers, keep picking! Lift the tubers once the foliage has died back and store in a frost-free location in slightly moist sand or compost.

Cutting Garden