Taylors Bulbs Lilium 'Fairy Morning', pack of three bulbs

Lilium 'Fairy Morning', pack of three bulbs



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With its recurved shape, these downward facing petals of Lilium Fairy Morning are beautifully pink and speckled with spots, brushed peach at their centre.

Although a slow starter, once established, it will last for years. It does like its roots shaded so plant amongst Ferns, Geraniums, or Hellebores for protection if in full sun.

  • Flowers: July- September
  • Hardy
  • Well drained soil
  • South, East or West aspects
  • Full sun or Partial sunlight
  • Sheltered
  • Martagon Lily
  • Planting Time and Depth: Early autumn – mid spring (later is better for heavy, wet soil), 15-20cm (6-8in) deep and 20-25 cm (8-10in) apart
  • Provide support before flowers appear
  • Dead head faded blooms promptly
  • Cut back to ground at the end of autumn
  • Lilies are highly toxic to cats. Bulbs should not be ingested by pets or humans and may cause skin allergy
Cutting Garden