Allium Allium Ostara
Ornamental Onion

Allium Ostara, 3L

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Allium Ostara is a cross between A. Atropurpureum and A. Karataviense, taking the very best features of both. Appearing on tall mid green stems, its large deep-purple globes comprise of delicate starry flowers, resulting in a beautiful, upright perennial which is brilliant for adding interest to the cottage garden.


Thriving in a warm, sunny, well-drained position, A.Ostrata looks wonderful planted amongst herbaceous plants, particularly shorter perennials. Like other alliums, this giant ornamental onion is a good nectar source for bees and other pollinators.

  • Herbaceous Perennial
  • Fully Hardy
  • Flowering period: June - July
  • Low maintenance
  • Relatively disease and pest free
  • Any fertile, well-draining soil
  • Any aspect
  • Full sun
  • Sheltered

Avoid excessive soil moisture and split and divide large clumps in autumn or spring. Cut down at the end of season to maintain shape.