Spirea Spirea arguta
Spirea Spirea arguta
Bridal Wreath

Spiraea arguta, 3L

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In spring the elegantly arching branches of Spiraea arguta are covered in a charming froth of small white flowers, contrasting beautifully with the green, lanceolate leaves that combine to bring a fresh feeling to a sunny border. This no nonsense shrub is a recipient of the RHS AGM (Award of Garden Merit), for all round excellence.

The froth of lovely white flowers inspire this shrub’s common name, alluding to the prettiness and timing of a spring wedding.


Flowers: Tiny white flowers bloom in profusion from April onwards along the length of the stems.

  • Moist, well drained soil
  • Any aspect
  • Full sun
  • Hardy

Prune this very hardy shrub annually after flowering to maintain shape and remove any dead, diseased or damaged branches and to ensure the air circulates through the shrub.