Garden and Plants Books 'Seed to Bloom', 'Seeds' and 'Floristry' Book Bundle
Milli Proust

'Seed to Bloom', 'Seeds' and 'Floristry' Book Bundle

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A trifecta of wonderful books from flower farmer Milli Proust forming an invaluable and accessible insight into the wonderful world of flower growing and floral arranging. 

The first two books in The Grower’s Guide series - ‘Floristry’ and ‘Seeds’ form an excellent reference resource for anyone interested in growing and arranging their own cut flowers.  Flower farmer Milli Proust demystifies the process using simple, easy to follow instructions, from sowing and germination, sprouting, repotting and harvesting. 

In ‘From Seed to Bloom’ Milli Proust takes you on an excursion of her garden throughout the year, spotlighting her favourite flowers of the season with top tips on how to sow, grow and harvest them. 


Milli Proust moved from London to Sussex almost a decade ago and set up a flower farm and floral design studio. Situated on an acre field, rented from a local farmer, flowers are grown for florists and events, adding to the ever-bountiful crop growing in her own garden. On both sites, everything is grown with an organic approach, with sustainability at the forefront of every decision.

Details & Care
  • Publisher: Hardie Grant Books
  • Soft cover
  • Seed to Bloom: Hard cover
  • Colour photography
  • Number of pages: 128 pages x 2    From Seed to Bloom: 224pages 
  • Seeds ISBN: 9781837831807
  • Floristry ISBN: 9781837831739
  • From Seed to Bloom ISBN: 9781787137349