Higurashi GR Secateurs
Higurashi GR Secateurs

Higurashi GR Secateurs

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Niwaki Camellia Oil
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Mini Crean Mate
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Prune like a pro with these Niwaki Higurashi drop-forged carbon steel secateurs. With a lovely refined action they are perfect for woodier stems in flower arrangements, as well as general garden pruning. The chunky catch and the hard wearing carbon steel blade make these perfect for all day use, whilst the yellow grips show up nicely should they be accidentally abandoned in the compost heap.

Suitable for cuts up to 1cm depending on plant type and how fierce you are feeling!

Details & Care

  • Carbon Steel with yellow vinyl handles
  • Sharpen weekly with a whetstone. Use Crean Mate to remove rust, then wipe over with Camellia Oil
  • Made in Sanjo, Japan
  • Includes a spare spring
  • 223g