Iris Iris siberica Tropic Night
Siberian Iris

Iris siberica Tropic Night, 2L

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Iris siberica Tropic Night is a particularly striking iris. The petals are called ‘standards’ (standing upright) and ‘falls’, the larger, lower petals. In this case, the falls are decorated with blotches of white, marked with superb gold and purple veining. The intensity of the velvety blue flowers is notable, standing high as they do on erect stalks above strap-like leaves.

Rhizomous, over time the iris will form clumps in a sunny border or on the edge of water where their reflected flowers are doubly glorious. It is helpful on difficult banks where the clumps can help fight erosion. The flowers also make an attractive cut flower in a vase or bouquet.

  • Flowers: May- June
  • Hardy
  • Well drained soil
  • All aspects
  • Full sun or partial sunlight
  • Needs space to spread out
  • If planted in a pot, will need dividing every couple of years in spring