Viburnum Viburnum bodnantense Dawn
Viburnum Viburnum bodnantense Dawn

Viburnum bodnantense Dawn, 3L



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Viburnum bodnantense Dawn is a particularly good choice for the winter garden, providing not only delightful clusters of pink tinted flowers from autumn to spring, but also a marvellously sweet scent. A large and robust shrub, it is best planted towards the back of a border to near, if possible, a path or doorway to make the most of the fragrance. It also bears decorative blue/black berries.


This desirable shrub was bred in 1930 by crossing v. grandiflorum with v. farreri. It was named after the place in which it was bred, the superb Bodnant Gardens in the foothills of Snowdonia, North Wales, where in the early 1870s the industrialist and passionate gardener Henry Pochin originally sponsored some of the greatest plant collectors of the time to travel the globe collecting plants.

  • Flowers: Autumn to Spring
  • Hardy
  • All moist, well drained soil types
  • All aspects
  • Any position /full sun, partial shade
  • Prune back hard immediately after flowering.
Cutting Garden