Sneeboer Dandelion Trowel
Sneeboer Dandelion Trowel

Dandelion Trowel with V Head



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Designed to facilitate the extraction of long-rooted weeds from lawns, beds and borders without disturbing the surrounding area, this slimline trowel is durably crafted to last for years. This is the V-model, with a V-shaped cutout blade to really get to the root of those pesky weeds.


From a fourth generation, family-owned Dutch company, this Dandelion Trowel is made by master craftspeople using traditional hand-forging techniques. They utilise old methods with innovative ideas to create long lasting garden tools that are invaluable in the garden.

Details & Care
  • Materials: stainless steel and ash wood
  • Weight: 0.25kg
  • Branded with the 'Burford Garden Company' logo
  • Made in The Netherlands
Burford Garden Company

Garden Care