Narcissus Lobularis Bulbs

Narcissus Lobularis Bulbs


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Narcissus Lobularis (or lent lily daffodil) is a wild British variety, ideal for providing a naturalistic effect when planted in a swathe across woodland or lawn. Its dainty nodding head of yellow trumpet and pale creamy petals and its upright form, also engender its use as an attractive cut flower. 


Plant en masse in the border for bright colour or in a container for a stunning display on the terrace. It is not as tall as other daffodils but is remarkably tolerant of shady conditions. This is the daffodil that Wordsworth would have known when he wrote his famous poem!


Flowers: March - April

  • Well drained, light soil
  • All aspects
  • Full sun or partial sunlight
  • Planting Time and Depth: Autumn onwards (October), 10cm (4in) deep and 10cm (4in) apart
  • Bulbs are toxic to pets or humans if ingested and may cause skin allergy
  • Deadhead as flowers fade and allow leaves to dieback naturally as they store energy for the bulb
  • It can take up to two years to reach its flowering potential

Gently fragrant

Autumn Planting Bulbs