Crocus Cream Beauty Bulbs

Crocus Cream Beauty Bulbs



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Crocus ‘Cream Beauty’ is an attractive perennial with delicate goblet shaped flowers in a luscious cream colour, featuring brown flushes and deep golden-yellow throats. These flowers emerge amidst slender, strap-shaped, mid green leaves. These spring-flowering crocuses are perfect for naturalising in sunny, well-drained areas of the lawn to add some soft colour to a border.


For maximum impact, plant these attractive Crocuses in bold naturalistic drifts or in a container on the window sill where their painterly effect can be appreciated fully.

  • Flowers: February - March
  • Hardy
  • Well drained soil
  • South or West aspects
  • Full sun
  • Planting Time and Depth: Autumn, 10cm deep in naturalistic drifts
  • Bulbs are toxic to pets or humans if ingested
  • Corms are vulnerable to mice and squirrels
  • If planted in lawns, do not mow for six weeks after they have flowered to allow the foliage to provide energy for the corms (for next year’s flowers)